Welcome to Boomaband!

Our mission at Boomaband is to ensure everyone can find their way home - as a community, it is our responsibility to ensure that no child or pet is ever lost.

 A Boomaband is a highly reflective, velcro-tie, soft arm band displaying the number of the caregiver for your most precious loved ones who can sometimes lose their way.

Hi – I’m Thea!

I was a teacher for 37 years, I’ve had my fair share of out of school activities – the fear and apprehension of a missing child compelled me to design and develop an easy to use, easy to wear, safety tool to ensure a quick retrieval of those who have lost their way!

 I have created Boomaband so you can leave your home with your precious cargo and optimise the chances of an early trace if someone goes missing. Simply wrap it around the arm of your child, or the neck of your pet and if needed, the community can contact you immediately.

It’s perfect for neighbourhood walks, play dates, large scale events & travel – if you’d like more information on ordering for a school, click here.

I’m always available if you have any questions, contact me


Remember, “if you see me off the track, ring this number it’ll bring me back!”


Thea Ikon x